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Showing posts from January, 2024

aws&Devops Interview questions and answers

 1.How to mount unmount  a disk ? First we can check disk partition fdisk -l or lsblk  * we can create a directory where we want mount    sudo mkdir /mnt/mydisk *we can use mount command to mount the disk    sudo mount /dev/sdXn /mnt/mydisk *To unmount disk     sudo umount /mnt/mydisk 2. How to unlock the username? *If a user account is locked due to multiple failed login attempts Then we can use below command  sudo passwd -u username 3.How to set user to NO LOGIN *If we don't require interactive logins. Then we can use below command sudo usermod --shell /usr/sbin/nologin username The usermod command can be used to modify user account properties 4.what are the process states in linux The Linux process states are many *Running (R).   : we are executing instructions on CPU *Sleeping(S)    : Sleeping processes are not using CPU resources * Stopped (T).  : A stopped process can be resumed or terminated. *Zombie (Z):    :  In an operating system ,processes that are terminated but , for