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aws&Devops Interview questions and answers

 1.How to mount unmount  a disk ?

First we can check disk partition fdisk -l or lsblk 

* we can create a directory where we want mount

   sudo mkdir /mnt/mydisk

*we can use mount command to mount the disk

   sudo mount /dev/sdXn /mnt/mydisk

*To unmount disk

    sudo umount /mnt/mydisk

2. How to unlock the username?

*If a user account is locked due to multiple failed login attempts

Then we can use below command

 sudo passwd -u username

3.How to set user to NO LOGIN

*If we don't require interactive logins.

Then we can use below command

sudo usermod --shell /usr/sbin/nologin username

The usermod command can be used to modify user account properties

4.what are the process states in linux

The Linux process states are many

*Running (R).   : we are executing instructions on CPU

*Sleeping(S)    : Sleeping processes are not using CPU resources

* Stopped (T).  : A stopped process can be resumed or terminated.

*Zombie (Z):    :  In an operating system ,processes that are terminated but , for some reason must have its task structure in the process table are referred as    

Zombie.(or) The child process completes execution, but the parent keeps executing, then the child process is known as Zombie.

*Dead (D):         The process has been terminated,Dead processes are waiting for their parent to acknowledge their termination.

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