1.How to mount unmount a disk ? First we can check disk partition fdisk -l or lsblk * we can create a directory where we want mount sudo mkdir /mnt/mydisk *we can use mount command to mount the disk sudo mount /dev/sdXn /mnt/mydisk *To unmount disk sudo umount /mnt/mydisk 2. How to unlock the username? *If a user account is locked due to multiple failed login attempts Then we can use below command sudo passwd -u username 3.How to set user to NO LOGIN *If we don't require interactive logins. Then we can use below command sudo usermod --shell /usr/sbin/nologin username The usermod command can be used to modify user account properties 4.what are the process states in linux The Linux process states are many *Running (R). : we are executing instructions on CPU *Sleeping(S) : Sleeping processes are not using CPU resources * Stopped (T). : A stopped process can be resumed or terminated. *Zombie (Z): ...
aws 1.EC2 2.Installing nginx ,httpd,tomcat and jenkins on top redhat ec2 machine security group How we can connect to machine Linux basic commands 3.vpc 4.s3 bucket 5.IAM 6.ROUTE53 7.Autoscalling 8.Load balacner _____-Infra as a code----------------- Terraform a. ec2 machine creation b. Packer - creating our own AMI c.s3 bucket ,vpc and IAM we can up by using terraform Task:Terraform Integration with jenkins ---------------------------Cloudformation----- services how we can up in aws How we can deploy war file inside s3 bucket after building maven project in jenkins ------------------------------------------ DevOps SCM ----Git All git commands Webhoks concept with jenkins --------- Jenkins -------------------- Ansible (Configuration management tool) 1.How we can create ec2 machine by using anible playbook 2.how we can install httpd on ec2 machine by playbook 3.In tw...