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aws Devops course content



2.Installing nginx ,httpd,tomcat and jenkins on top redhat ec2 machine


  security group

  How we can connect to machine

  Linux basic commands


4.s3 bucket




8.Load balacner

    _____-Infra as a code-----------------


a. ec2 machine creation

b. Packer - creating our own AMI

c.s3 bucket ,vpc and IAM we can up by using terraform

  Task:Terraform Integration  with jenkins 


services how we can up in aws

How we can deploy war file inside s3 bucket after building maven project in jenkins



SCM  ----Git 

All git commands

Webhoks concept with jenkins




Ansible   (Configuration management tool)

1.How we can create ec2 machine by using anible playbook we can install httpd on ec2 machine by playbook

3.In two machines how we can deploy tomcat by using ansible playbook

4.How we can integrate ansible with jenkins

5.How we can create kubernetes cluster by using ansible


Docker (Containerization tool)

1. How we can write a basic docker file and how we can create our image and run container

2.How we can run multiple containers with same image

3.How we can delete images and containers

4.How we can push image to docker hub

5.Docker volume and docker network

6.Docker with jenkins integration

7.Docker compose


Kuberenetes(Container archestraation tool)

1.How we can up single node kubernetes cluster

2.NGinx deployment on cluster and troubleshooting of pending pod

3.Architecture explanation

4.Jenkins deployment and wordpress deployment

5.Kubernetes monnitoring tools

a.EFK  b.Prometheus  c.Grafana

6.Kubenetes dashboard

7.Helm concept

8.Jenkins with kubernetes deployment CICD project


Openshift cluster up and how we can deploy in openshift environment


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